ApnaKhata Rajasthan, also known as Rajasthan Bhulekh, is an online platform developed by the Rajasthan Government to provide digitized access to land records for the citizens of Rajasthan. The platform enables users to check Jamabandi Nakal, Khasra details, and other property-related documents easily from the comfort of their homes. In this article, we will provide you with a complete guide to using ApnaKhata Rajasthan effectively.

What is ApnaKhata Rajasthan?
ApnaKhata Rajasthan (अपनाखाता राजस्थान) is an initiative by the Rajasthan Government under its e-Governance project. It allows residents to access land-related details, download Jamabandi Nakal (जमाबंदी नकल), and check property records without visiting government offices. This platform enhances transparency and reduces manual errors in record-keeping.
Key Features of ApnaKhata Rajasthan
1. Jamabandi Nakal Download: Get detailed ownership records of land.
2. Khasra and Map Information: Access detailed Khasra (खस्रा) and land boundary maps.
3. Encumbrance Certificate: Check for legal disputes or loans on properties.
4. District-Wise Search: Users can access land records for all districts in Rajasthan.
5. Mobile-Friendly Platform: The website is optimized for mobile users, ensuring easy access on smartphones.
6. Print and Download Options: Print or download the required documents directly from the portal.
Steps to Access ApnaKhata Rajasthan Land Records
Follow these simple steps to retrieve your land records:
Visit the Official Website
Go to the official ApnaKhata Rajasthan portal: [apnakhata.rajasthan.gov.in](https://apnakhata.rajasthan.gov.in)

Select Your District
- On the homepage, select the district (जिला) where your property is located.

Choose Tehsil and Village
- After selecting the district, choose your tehsil (तहसील) and village (ग्रामीण).

Search by Owner Name or Khasra Number
- Enter either the owner’s name or the Khasra number to locate the property details.
जानकारी भरें –
अब आपके सामने जमाबंदी नकल का पन्ना दिखेगा, उसमें आपको आवेदक की जानकारी यानी आपकी जानकारी भरनी होगी जैसे कि अपना नाम, शहर, पता और पिनकोड।
आपको दो विकल्प दिए जाएंगे – जमाबंदी की प्रतिलिपि और नामांतरण की प्रतिलिपि, इनमें से जो आपको चाहिए वो चुनिए। हम यहाँ जमाबंदी की प्रतिलिपि नकल चुन रहे हैं।
अब आपके पास 4 विकल्प हैं –
1. खाते से
2. खसरा से
3. नाम से
4. GRN से
इन 4 विकल्पों में से कोई भी एक विकल्प चुनकर आप जमाबंदी नकल खोज सकते हैं।
हम यहाँ खाता से यह विकल्प चुन रहे हैं।
विकल्प चुनकर संख्या चुने और चयन करें बटन पर क्लिक करें।

खसरा और खतौनी क्या होता है?
हर गांव का एक नक्शा होता है जिसे हम भू नक्शा यानि जमीन का नक्शा (खेत की नकल) कहते है। अपना खाता खसरा नंबर राजस्थान और खतौनी (जमीन का खाता खसरा) इसी भू नक्शे का हिस्सा होते है।
• खसरा - भू नक्शे में यानी गांव के नक्शे में कई छोटे-छोटे टुकड़ों में गांव नक्शा दर्शाया जाता है। इन्ही को हम खसरा कहते है। इन खसरों को एक विशेष खसरा नंबर से नक्शे में दर्शाया जाता है।
• खतौनी - खतौनी एक जमीन का एक खाता होता है। अगर गांव में आपकी जमीन कई अलग-अलग जगह पर है यानी कई अलग-अलग खसरों में है तो उन सबको आप एक ही खाते में देख सकते हो। खतौनी में आपको सभी जमीन की जानकारी एक खाते में मिल जाती है।
View and Download Records
- Once the records appear, you can view, download, or print them for future reference.
Benefits of Using ApnaKhata Rajasthan
1. Transparency: Eliminates the need for middlemen and ensures transparency in land record management.
2. Ease of Access: Land records are available 24/7 online.
3. Cost-Efficient: Reduces the need for physical visits to government offices.
4. Time-Saving: Quick and hassle-free retrieval of property documents.
5. Legal Security: Helps users check the legal status of properties to avoid disputes.
Common Queries About ApnaKhata Rajasthan
Is ApnaKhata Rajasthan Free?
Yes, the platform is free to use. Users only need an internet connection to access the records.
Can I Get My Property Map Through ApnaKhata?
Yes, you can access Khasra maps and other boundary details.
How Accurate Are the Records?
The records are maintained by the Rajasthan Revenue Department and are considered highly reliable.
Can I Use ApnaKhata Rajasthan for Legal Disputes?
Yes, the records can be used as legal evidence in disputes, but it’s advisable to verify them with the local tehsil office for accuracy.
Is ApnaKhata Available in Hindi?
Yes, the portal supports Hindi for the convenience of local users.
Districts Covered by ApnaKhata Rajasthan
The ApnaKhata portal provides access to land records for all 33 districts in Rajasthan, including: You can search something like this
- Jaipur apnakhata
- Jodhpur apnakhata
- Alwar apna khata
- Udaipur apna khata
- Ajmer apna khata
- Kota apna khata
- Bikaner apnakhata
- Bharatpur apnakhata
- Jhunjhunu apnakhata
And many more. You can select your district from the homepage to access the relevant records.
To help you find this article and ApnaKhata services easily, here are some relevant keywords:
- ApnaKhata Rajasthan
- Rajasthan land records
- Jamabandi Nakal Rajasthan
- Khasra number Rajasthan
- Online land records Rajasthan
- Apna Khata official website
- Check property records Rajasthan
- Rajasthan Bhulekh
- Encumbrance certificate Rajasthan
- bhu naksha rajasthan
- rajasthan land map
ApnaKhata Rajasthan has revolutionized land record management in the state by making property details accessible online. Whether you’re a property owner, buyer, or legal advisor, this platform simplifies the process of obtaining land records and ensures transparency. Visit the [official website](https://apnakhata.rajasthan.gov.in) today and take advantage of this user-friendly service.
“Access Apna Khata Rajasthan online to check your Jamabandi Nakal, Khasra, and Khatauni details effortlessly. The Apna Khata Rajasthan portal provides tools to download your Jamabandi Nakal Rajasthan, locate land records using GRN numbers, and explore the village map Rajasthan. With features like Apna Khata login Rajasthan, you can search Rajasthan Bhulekh, check tehsil-wise land records, and view your Khasra Khatauni by name or Khasra number search Rajasthan. Additionally, you can navigate your land documents such as property details, patta, and nakal download directly through Zona App, which simplifies your real estate needs. Use Zona App to locate verified brokers, explore properties across Alwar, Jaipur, and other Rajasthan districts, and manage your land insights with tools like Jamabandi Nakal fees Rajasthan. Unlock details about the Rajasthan land records online, including Rajasthan Apna Khata tehsil-wise search and Rajasthan Bhulekh online map records.
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